Friday, April 08, 2005


Thursday, April 07, 2005

buy a HUD home, a real fixer upper

put the furniture in storage

cover it well

eat a big breakfast

invite some friends

surround yourself with nature

kidnap yourself a homewrecker

tell me again, which is the hammer and which is the pry bar?

I am wearing my steel toe flip flops for this part of the job...

proper use of face muscles will always loosen the wood quicker.

yellow safety glasses always look the best

have a zexy man to help...

keep your hands clean at all times...

make sure you have a friend with a pick up...note the hairnet

always make sure your partner is as excited about the job as you

a shovel and bucket is the best way to remove broken tile

make no mistake about it...this is hard work

no fire wood? burn the picnic table

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note my safety goggles